Friday, January 30, 2009

Off the Road...finally

Well, after a year in Washington State for internship, a week on the road to Texas, then another road trip to Virginia for the holidays, we are FINALLY at our final destination in Waco...sort of.

(We'll be making at least two trips via air this spring/summer before moving back to Central Asia, but at least we have a place to call 'home' for now.)

Si and Eliza are excited to get to move
out of their crate and into a building! :)

Monday, September 08, 2008

Catching our Breath

Whew! We've been negligent of posting, however 12 hour workdays haven't really been kind to our energy! With peach harvest going on, days are long and are nights are short, so in the meantime, here's a photo log of some recent happenings:

Monday, August 11, 2008


As Si approaches his 2nd birthday (Aug. 26), we are noticing more and more how quickly he his developing. New words fill his speech each day, which can be a blessing and a struggle.

When we don't take the time to correct him in love, we find he often later mirrors us by spouting out "No!" or "Stop!" when he feels threatened.

However, in God's grace, when we're able to train Si in love and patience, we notice his mirroring to reflect phrases such as "Thank you." "Please." and "God bless you."

Though it seems easier to notice with little children, we can't help but notice we also mirror (if ever so subtly) the attitudes and deeds that we allow ourselves to be subject to.

We pray for wisdom.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Apple Article

As we find ourselves in the thick of peach and apple harvest (and we do mean thick), it was nice to come across the following article regarding the resurgence of apples back in our region in Central Asia.

Please take time to read it as it is very informative and interesting.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Things have been kinda' crazy lately w/ visitors from out-of-town for Faith and extra long workdays for Aaron. We'll try to post some recent thoughts we've had shortly.

But in the meantime, here are a couple shots of the Dowdy-duo.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Next Visa Commercial

Rainier cherries: $2.25/lb

Bing Cherries: $1.75/lb

Apricots: $1.50/lb

Eliza Jubilee: Priceless

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Snow + Fruit = Slushies?

On a recent trip into the moutains we ran into snow still left from the winter. Two days later we were in the 90 degree heat harvesting apricots and sorting cherries.

Si practices throwing snowballs
for the first time by drilling
his uncle point blank.

Above: Tons of Bing cherries fill our
cold room. Below: Humongous
apricots wait to be picked!